
I've been a bad more MAC until Christmas!

Finally got my hands on some goodies from the Venomous Villains collection at lunchtime.  I ran down to the Carnaby Street store and looked like a total weirdo pouring over the display!  My hands were shaking as I was out of breath from the run (okay, well, fast walk) and excitement.  I think I had the security guard quite worried :(

I 'only' intended to pick up Bad Fairy nail lacquer and possible Oh So Fair 'beauty powder' if I could swallow the £20+ price tag for what is essentially a blusher.  But then I saw Strange Potion lipgloss, Dark Magic eyeshadow and Mean and Green nail lacquer (which isn't really that green!).  I also spotted the Viva Glam Cyndi and Gaga lipglosses which I hadn't noticed before.  I adore the lipsticks and the Cyndi gloss is very pretty, I probably could have done without it, but I was swayed by the sales assistant.  I am weak.

Right, so no more make-up buying until Christmas.  Except of course for the Sleek 'Rose Gold' blusher :)

I'll try and get some swatches up soon, but you've probably seen them all already elsewhere!


  1. It's too hard to say no when you are faced with a new collection in the flesh lol. Oh well at least you will be looking gorgeous even if it makes you skint xx

  2. I know! I've been waiting for this for months and I haven't been this excited about a collection in a long time, however I'm very disappointed that Ursuala (from The Little Mermaid) didn't feature. Some people may think the packaging is tacky but I say bring it on! I want to see a Disney Princess collection next! Haha!

  3. I can't afford to get any :( Oh well, drinking my sorrows away in a couple of hours! Are we still meeting outside MAC?

  4. Yay, you got a bag full! I still really want the polish but have not made it to the mall. I just got an email saying the Bite of Apple blush that I ordered is completely sold out! Girls are crazy for this collection :)

  5. You would just have been denying yourself if you didn't bag all these goodies and that would have been a travesty to the world of beauty bloggging and we can't have that!! lol Looking forward to seeing some swatches.

  6. I'm on a 'no MAC until Christmas' rule too! This collection has robbed my wallet like crazy - why do they make it all so pretty!?

    Also, completely agree 100% with the Ursula comment!


  7. Great haul and yes I have told myself the same thing, but I probably will be tempted before long.


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