Is there anything prettier than a rose gold blush?
Getting MAC's Dainty with a holiday set last Christmas kick-started my passion and my little collection has grown a bit.
One thing I've found is that price doesn't really matter when it comes to colour or quality, from the cheapest - Sleek's £3.99 - to the dearest - NARS' £20.50 there are beautiful rosey gold blushes out there to suit every budget.

And swatched, in the same order as above:

At the moment I'm going through a NARS Orgasm phase as I only got it a couple of months ago, but I do find it could be more pigmented.
From the swatches you can see Sleek's the the most pigmented, and also, I find, the creamiest to blend, but you can overdo it sometimes!
Bourjois' Rose D'Or is actually more of a fuchsia pink under flash, but very flattering on my pale skin.
I've loved Dainty for a long time now, but swatched alongside all the others it looks too orange for my liking, and the same could be said to a lesser extent, for Make Up Store's Lust.
This week I'm planning on getting better acquainted with Milani Luminous. It's mainly available in the US but you can get it online too for around $5.99.
The newest addition to the collection is Rose D'Or from Bourjois. For years I was addicted to Lune D'Or. This one is very shimmery, but more pigmented than I remember Lune being. Unlike most I actually like the little brush which comes with it as its stiffness helps to scoop up a good amount of powder, I then blend it out with a fluffier brush, like the MAC 168.
One blush I forgot to take a snap of before starting this post is e.l.f's Studio blush in Candid Coral. It's very similar to NARS Deep Throat, and also resembles Orgasm. If you're looking for a great budget blush that's flattering on a wide range of skin shades, then I suggest you check it out!
Are there any other rose gold blushes I MUST have in my collection?!
Getting MAC's Dainty with a holiday set last Christmas kick-started my passion and my little collection has grown a bit.
One thing I've found is that price doesn't really matter when it comes to colour or quality, from the cheapest - Sleek's £3.99 - to the dearest - NARS' £20.50 there are beautiful rosey gold blushes out there to suit every budget.
And so, below you see:
Top row: Milanli Luminous, MAC Dainty, Bourjois Rose D'Or
Bottom row: NARS Orgasm, Make Up Store Lust, Sleek MakeUP Rose Gold
Bottom row: NARS Orgasm, Make Up Store Lust, Sleek MakeUP Rose Gold
And swatched, in the same order as above:
At the moment I'm going through a NARS Orgasm phase as I only got it a couple of months ago, but I do find it could be more pigmented.
From the swatches you can see Sleek's the the most pigmented, and also, I find, the creamiest to blend, but you can overdo it sometimes!
Bourjois' Rose D'Or is actually more of a fuchsia pink under flash, but very flattering on my pale skin.
I've loved Dainty for a long time now, but swatched alongside all the others it looks too orange for my liking, and the same could be said to a lesser extent, for Make Up Store's Lust.
This week I'm planning on getting better acquainted with Milani Luminous. It's mainly available in the US but you can get it online too for around $5.99.
The newest addition to the collection is Rose D'Or from Bourjois. For years I was addicted to Lune D'Or. This one is very shimmery, but more pigmented than I remember Lune being. Unlike most I actually like the little brush which comes with it as its stiffness helps to scoop up a good amount of powder, I then blend it out with a fluffier brush, like the MAC 168.
One blush I forgot to take a snap of before starting this post is e.l.f's Studio blush in Candid Coral. It's very similar to NARS Deep Throat, and also resembles Orgasm. If you're looking for a great budget blush that's flattering on a wide range of skin shades, then I suggest you check it out!
Are there any other rose gold blushes I MUST have in my collection?!