
Guest Post by Angel: Get Those Toes Out!

Hey everyone! I'm Angel and I'll be doing a series of regular guest posts here at Click & Make-Up! As you may have read on Friday's post, Kat and I go way back. We both started our blogs roughly the same time last year and it's become something we talk about all the time!

But let's get to my main post! Feets. I bet your feet have been cooped up in boots, trainers or wellies during the cold winter season. And I don't blame you! If you're in the UK you're likely to keep those boots handy for another month or so as the unpredictable British weather never fails to bring on a rainy day every now and again. But this week spring is truly here and I know many of you are itching to bust out those sandals and put your pretty toes on display. Last year I did a post on my blog on how to give your feet a cheap and cheerful home pedicure, so this year I thought I'd update an old classic!

You probably already have all the things you need at home, so no need to spend a huge amount of money at the salon! :)

  • A shallow bucket, big enough to fit both your feet.
  • Half a lemon.
  • Bath salts (optional)
  • Something to scrub your feet (ie. pumice stone)
  • Nail brush (optional)
  • Lotion or foot cream
  • A towel

Make sure you've removed all your nail polish before you start. The pedicure will help you get rid of any nail polish residue. 

If you have a lot of rough, hard skin on your feet, you may want to use something made specifically for getting rid of this. I recommend the Ped Egg which is a hand held contraption that catches your dry skin in it's egg-like shell, ready to be disposed. You can pick up a Ped Egg at Boots or Superdrug. You'll want to use this while your feet are dry. 

Fill the bucket with hot water. You want it to be quite hot as this will help to soften any hard skin you may have. Throw in some bath salts, maybe a few drops of essential oils, why not light some incense while you're at it? This is a pampering session after all! 

Before putting your feet in, rub some chunks of a cut up lemon over your feet, concentrating on where you may have hard skin, such as the heel area. The lemon helps to soften the skin and also kills bacteria (and odour!). Once you're done pop those into the water too. Now, it's time to relax. Sit back with your favourite book or a magazine while you soak your feet in your home made spa. You can leave your feet to soak for as long as you wish, I recommend a minimum of 10 minutes. 

Once your feet are nice and soft, use a gentle pumice stone (or a foot scrubber if you didn't use anything too harsh to remove dead skin previously), and buff over the underside of your feet. Don't forget your toes! If you have nail polish residue then use a nail brush to get rid of this by brushing over your toes.

You can leave your feet to soak for longer or take them out and dry them off. I like to remove my feet from the water after I buff my feet as I don't like to leave them in as the water gets cold. 

This is the best time to cut and file your toe nails as they're soft and easy to manage. Apply your favourite spring coloured nail polish before your foot cream or lotion and you're all done!

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, please leave a comment below to let me know what you thought of it. You can find more of my tutorials on my blog and on my YouTube beauty channel. Thanks for reading, remember to follow Click & Make-Up! as I'll be posting here again soon!


  1. Oh what a great post.
    When I started reading, I had no idea what the lemon was going to be used for - great tip though :)

  2. Great post :) I like to add milk to the warm water when I give myself a pedicure - it helps to relax and soothe the skin. But it's maybe a good idea to lightly rinse your feet after - it can make them smell like sour milk if you don't!
    Do you have any tips for manicures?

  3. Great post. And i hate looking at feet, but your look very nice actually.

  4. Lemons got natural bleach so we can also use it on our feet thanks for the post really love it..:)

  5. Loved this post! Did not know about lemon helping with hardened skin and bacteria. Will definitely give it a go.

  6. I love that this pedicure is budget-friendly.


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